Chewing Gum in School

Gum has not been allowed in school for a highly long time. Today some school districts prohibit gum chewing altogether. Others leave it up to the discretion of individual teachers. If the school has no policy against gum chewing, chewing depends on the teachers.

Teachers have differing views about whether students should be allowed to chew gum in school. Some believe that gum chewing is the nastiest habit in the world, it can impede the learning process, and gum chewing can be noisy and distracting to other students. They contend that dried gum always finishes under tables or on flours. Teachers can respond to gum chewers minimally disruptively to the class, but not all teachers are so tolerant. Most teachers' time is spent on discipline issues, including gum chewing. Teachers think it wastes their valuable time, and gum does not belong in school.

Other teachers make their own rules. They allow gum chewing as long as it doesn't interfere with their ability to teach or student's ability to concentrate. If a student sticks gum under his desk, they make him remove it. That is a "no noise" and "no mess" policy.

Today it is not uncommon to think that gum chewing in class isn't a big deal. But many people want to chew gum at school. The undersigned says that gum should be allowed in school. There were so many petitions for "Allow Chewing Gum In School." They contend that gum helps in many ways and that privilege should not be taken away from students.

Chewing Gum Girl In School

Preliminary research suggests that regular chewing can help you remember names, make you thinner, whiten teeth, etc. Teachers may outlaw chewing gum in class, but chewing gum in class makes kids smarter. How could that be? Chewing causes our hearts to pump more blood to our brains than usual. More blood carries noggin-nourishing oxygen, which will help the brain function better. It also increases the glucose level, making the student more alert. Rhythmic chewing also increases attention. Mental tasks are done 20% more effectively while chewing gum, which makes students "smarter." Chewing should be allowed, especially during extensive tests. Kids who chew gum during tests do 26% to 36% better. Chewing gum soothes students' minds so that they can learn more in school.

When brought to school, gum helps clean your teeth after lunchtime. Gum can also make their jaws stronger. Some types of gum can make teeth stronger.

One line of research suggests that chewing gum can improve academic performance. Teachers anecdotally found that students who chewed gum required fewer breaks, paid better attention, and stayed quiet longer than those who did not.

Chewing gum improves memory, but what about the mess under tables and chairs? If students didn't have to hide gum-chewing, they would dispose of it properly.

These could be reasons to consider the positive things about having gum at school.

Chewing Gum Girl In School